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Football Manager 2020 Mobile (FM 20) 11.3.0 Apk Obb (Unlocked)

Download Football Manager 2020 Mobile 11.3.0 Apk Obb for Android – FM 20 license fixed, with Save Data, which enables you to get real player names to manage your favourite team.

Football Manager 2020 Android game enables you to simulate or be like a real football club manager that trains, buy and sell players, also play leagues matches and take your team to the top, where you can finally win the trophy.

There are 57 leagues to choose from more than 20 countries within Football Manager Mobile 2020, that’s you are free to have access to different league of your choice.

The training mode of the Football Management simulation game allows you to build your players and make them a formidable squad.

Tactics board of FM 2020 mobile Apk is one of the best when it comes to preparing your players for a particular match, you can choose from different formations available within the game such as 4-4-2, 4-5-1, 4-2-4 and many more.

Features Of Football Manager 2020 Mobile

Below are some of the listed features of football manager 2020 for Android device:

Football Manager 2020 Mobile Apk Data

  • Fully unlocked with no license verification.
  • Club Vision Feature has been improved, this was done to meet the future expectations of each club in terms of performance.
  • Graphics improvement in Football Manager 2020 Mobile makes the soccer game look more realistic than before.
  • As a Football manager, the player development feature was also improved, which enables you to track how players have developed over the cause of time.
  • Backroom staff now offer more supports and feedback to you as a football manager.
  • Match Engine improvements now improves player skills and how they perform on the pitch while playing a particular match.
  • Scouting feature was completely enhanced in other to make scouting of players more easier than before.
  • Face improvement for players was also done to make them look so real (New Generation faces.

Download Football Manager 2020 Mobile Apk Obb

In other to setup latest FM 2020 Apk Obb license verified version below, it is now necessary that you must have Obb file for Football Manager 2020 Mobile, which you will be able to download using the link below. please make sure you follow the steps on how to install the Football manager also.

Obb for FM 2020 was compressed to 682 MB the original size is 1 GB after extracting.

FM 2020 Mobile Download Links 

Please Read How To Install below after downloading.

Apk 11.3.0 (Latest Unlocked Version)

FM 2020 mobile 11.3.0 Apk (25 MB)

Obb *Required (March Transfers Patch)

Obb FM 2020 (682 MB – New)  

Jump To

How To Install FM 2020 Mobile Apk Obb

FM 2020 Mobile Save Data For Real Names

Download Face Logos And Kits Packs For FM 20

Use Zarchiver App to extract rar file

Zarchiver pro Apk

How To Install Football Manager 2020 Mobile Apk data

Follow the steps below to install Football Manager 2020 Mobile (FM 20) Apk and Data file. but make sure you uninstall or backup your files such as Obb Data, before uninstalling older version, then you can install the latest version easily without any error.

I will advice you to switch of your internet data and all also clear Google play data when opening the game for the first time

Steps to install or setup Football Manager Mobile 2020 are:

  1. Open Zarchiver app – which you downloaded above or is already installed in your device.
  2. Locate FM 2020 mobile Obb rar file.
  3. Click on it, option menu will come up.
  4. From the option menu, click “Extract”.
  5. Now click on the top of Zarchiver app interface.
  6. A drop down menu will appear now click Device Memory ( In some device it is known as SDcard0)
  7. Now click Android folder (In sumary if you can locate Android folder in Phone Memory).
  8. After clicking Android folder now click Obb folder which is already inside Android folder.
  9. Finally click the extract icon – which looks like a arrow pointing downwards and wait till the rar file is successfully decompressed or extracted.

Football Manager 2020 Mobile Save Data With Real Names

In other to get real player names, you need to download your preferred team save data below. use Zarchiver app to extract because the files where highly compressed to 5 MB from 40 MB.

Extract by going to:

Phone Memory/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020 Mobile/Normal/games

Download Documents Folder If you don’t have one or to also use it to fix Team Names License.

Steps to extract FM 2020 Mobile Save Data:

  1. Go to Document folder in phone memory.
  2. Then click Sports Interactive folder.
  3. Open Football Manager 2020 Mobile Folder.
  4. Click Normal folder.
  5. Now look for Games folder and open it.
  6. Finally extract the save data file there.

Download Team Save Data Files

Use one save data at a time to avoid errors, because all save data files are named hidden.dat after extracting.

Supports FM 20 version 11.3.0 upward base on March Transfers update

Arsenal  FM 2020 Save Data

As Roma FM Save

Aston Villa FM Save Data

AC Milan FM Save Data

Athletico Madrid FM Save Data

Ajax FM  Save Data

Barcelona FM Save Data

Besiktas FM Save Data

Borussia Dortmund FM Save Data

Bayern Munich FM Save Data

Chelsea FM Save Data

Derby County FM Save

Everton FM Save

Fenerbahce FM Save Data

Galatasaray FM Save Data

Inter Milan FM Save Data

Juventus FM Save Data

Leeds United FM Save Data

Leicester City FM Save Data

Liverpool FM Save Data

Manchester United FM Save Data

Manchester City FM Save Data

Napoli FM Save Data

Newcastle FM Save Data

PSG FM Save Data

Real Madrid FM Save Data

Sunderland FM Save Data

Sevilla FM Save Data

Tottenham Hotspur FM Save Data

RB Leipzig FM Save Data

Wolves FM Save Data

Unemployed FM 20 Save Data

FM 2020 Unemployed Save Data

Football Manager 2020 Mobile Logos Kits Face Packs Download

Some of you might want to some kits, team logos, face packs for players and many more, i have compiled the logos (mega), face packs (lite), Kits (mega) into FM 2020 Mobile data know as com.sega.soccer which can be extracted into Android/data folder.

How To Install FM 2020 Logos, Face and kits Packs:

  1. Using Zarchiver app to extract.
  2. Locate face , logos, kits pack rar file.
  3. click on it, option menu will appear.
  4. In the option menu click Extract.
  5. Navigate to Phone or Device Memory and click Android folder.
  6. While in Android folder click data folder.
  7. You can now click extract icon which looks like arrow pointing downwards.
  8. Wait till the file is 100 % Extracted.
  9. Now open Football Manager 2020 Mobile.
  10. Go to settings, click view.
  11. Click User Interface.
  12. Scroll down and click reload skin, then wait till the process is done.
  13. Finally, you can check if your FM 20 Kits, Logos, Face Packs have been loaded.

Download FM 2020 Logo, Kits And Face Packs (All In One)

FM 2020 Logo Kits Face Pack (825 MB) 

How To Set Up Documents Folder And Fix Team License

In this sections are the documents folder which contains changes.txt file to fix team name license and also use it to insert Save Data in Games Folder, additionally you will also download changes.txt file to finally get real team names apart from real player names.

Download this required files


Changes.txt File For Team Name Fix (80KB)

Steps to use changes.txt file and documents folder:

  1. Starting with documents folder.
  2. Extract it into phone memory using Zarchiver app.
  3. It also contains changes.txt file to fix team names to real ones.
  4. To use raw changes.txt file above…
  5. Copy it, by going to Android folder in phone memory.
  6. Then click data folder and locate Com.sega.soccer folder.
  7. Click it and also click Installed folder.
  8. And finally paste the changes.txt file, this will change team names like Juventus which was initially named Zebre in the official version.

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          We’re delighted to confirm that Football Manager 2021 Mobile launches on November 24th and is now available for pre-order (iOS) and pre-registration (Android).
          Pls make a apk or obb

      1. Loved your work, it truly works!! Would be glad if you could dedicate a link to save datas of all teams. It would be great!! Thank you again

          1. I cannot get it to work for real player names. Did all the things you said but only succeeded in getting the logos and not the real player names

          2. You are the best , please compile all clubs into a compressed file

            I’m your fan 💙💙💙💙💙

  1. You doing a great Job Man..Big uP

    Can’t wait for Football manager Mobile 2020 …hope you will provide save data for my beloved Chelsea

    1. Please add more team save datas!!!!! I played all of them…especially france league 1 teams… only psg…???bb

  2. we’re waiting bro,hopfully you will give us the download file today and dont forget to make a save data for fc barcelone.

  3. Please help me with save,

    League: Wales & England
    Club: Chelsea
    Manager name: James-Nath Onoja
    My Nationality: Nigerian
    *Match Engine: Original

    I will be grateful

    1. Sir, i did followed all the steps you asked me to the game started and i found a box stating i have not downloaded it from play store so it won’t work how to fix it. Shall i turn off data while i start it..?

      1. Hello bro can i hv verification for bypass google play, this is my facebook facebook.com/sutanfachreza
        Im from Indonesia thx before….

  4. Hello bro can i hv verification for bypass google play, this is my facebook facebook.com/sutanfachreza
    Im from Indonesia thx before….

      1. I think because my phone is 1gb ram because I have enough free space, I even tried on another 1gb ram phone same thing…. It will try to install and them tell me app not installed

  5. For custom save data request must past through my Facebook page inbox – you message me privately on my Facebook page, if you drop details here in comments section, i won’t reply kindly take note of that.

  6. Btw i found this [link removed]
    Work but still fake player .. this why i need save data..please ristechy upload save data

    1. I can’t extract to the obb, and i use other step. But still can’t extract or copy the file to the obb folder

  7. I tried to download the obb t keep saying the file have been deleted or removed by the orignator ..kindy assist

  8. I tried to download the obb t keep saying the file have been deleted or removed by the orignator ..kindy assist. Thank you

  9. I tried to extract the obb file but only 115kb extracted and the extraction box disappeared. I tried it several times but its same. Kindly assist

  10. the game works but fake names 🙁

    in my documents I dont have a folder “sport interactive”

    I save a game but I don’t know where it’s saved (maybe I could to save the .dat there)

  11. Followed the steps. Installed the apk without any further software, since you didn’t say it’s needed in the instructions. When I try to start the game it instantly crashes. Any tips?

  12. Why does it still bring out fake names please? Every instruction you posted was followed. Also i will like to know if one has to install the apk or extract the obb first?

    1. That means you don’t have document folder..

      Try and know where obb folder is before extracting, it make things clearer for you, then follow steps on how to install.

  13. Hi Admin Your file apk and obb very work [ 12/09/19 ]

    but i can’t check ads in app Please Admin confirm not in side ads

  14. FINALY a apk where Everything is working, thanks a lot dude, peace & love. (you should add a save with a “medium team” for those who want more challenge 🙂 )

  15. Downloaded the APK and files from another site but it’s got fake names trying using the saved games here but it says something about a older and newer version. Can anyone help??

  16. After installing app and placing obb data on it’s correct place, I open the app, and then a download starts and pauses immediately saying “data couldn’t been download as you may not have purchased this app”. What should I do?

  17. Hi bro, was able to install it and it worked, thanks for that. But the player pictures are missing and I’ve can’t seem to reach you on fb to make my save data request

  18. Game was working fine up until a few moments ago. Would it be safe to Uninstall abs and reinstall? Would I still have my saved game?

  19. Logo pack and players faces work if I use with11.0.4 data? And do I need to start new game or just continue playing my old data?

  20. It says download failed because the resources could not be found, i followed instructions to extract the obb

  21. I had installed the game and extracted it, but when i entered the game it come out by itself… is it because i didn’t download the logos and face pack??? Plsss am waiting for your reply…..

    1. Don’t download player pictures, if you didn’t extract obb file completely it will go out. Extract obb file completely and open the game giver permission and click continue.

      1. Am sorry plsss.. After the one with 564mb, i have to download another one (logos and face pack 846mb), after that will it open completely??

  22. i downloaded face pack and tried to extract. it was saying operation completed with errors (I have enough space). I also tried extracting it with my pc, it also said corrupt header.

  23. Version 11.1.0 great.
    Perfect thank you, easy to install.
    Now please confirm!
    After extracting player’s picture, while using liecester city save, (re-load skin), seems a lot of players picture are not shown, eg Ben chilwell, ndidi, etc. Logos are shown fine, but didn’t confirm this when I didn’t reload skin. Is this normal or yours is better, thanks.
    If you can create me a save data Don Austin, any team at lowest eng conference league I will appreciate. The one you create last year didn’t work for 2019 version..

      1. ok, am using Leicester save data, but I will request for save data on Facebook thanks.
        You can remove my email above I can’t edit the post.

  24. if i want play new game without save data file..its possible to get a real name fix?? because if i play with save data i cant play with my name..

  25. wow this works perfect! game is running fine, and the savegame helps solve fake player name issue!
    Thank you so much my friend!

  26. Thanx a lot this game is amazing but that leicester city game save every season keeps saying i am an interim manager even though i have won trophies..how do i become the permanent manager so i can access to upgrade facilities and make requests to the board

  27. I have tried all but still fake players name, i have tried with tottenham, then leicester, but still didn’t work. I have already extract saves data to the Games folder in Document, already clear data, already reload skin, already use another version of apk. pls help

  28. Hey, men. Can you please upload a video with the process from install… I’m try but they continue showing me the box with the error of licensed

  29. Why the ajax save data cannot use? There is no save data at that file. And when you uploaded more save data? Please for the small team bro. Thank you so much

      1. Hello again the save datas ure referring to am i to leave them in as they are in their folders after extracting them or im supposed to leave them in their folders and place them in the data folder

  30. Hi,thanks for your work to this game. I hope would you please send to me a transfer update for manchester united,add a new player like odion n bruno, i hope u would to send the update version in my email edwinyau****@gmail.com

  31. please help me I cannot get players’ real names It doesn’t workGive me your Facebook page link i will contact you

  32. Hi ristechy, game works fine but why do the game always spawns manager’s son and upgrade the stadium continously. Anyway thank you so much

  33. It always say “download failed because the resourves cpuld not be found ” pls help i follow all your instruction

    1. Kindly install the apk first, don’t open it, then extract the obb you downloaded from this site to your device folder Android/obb.
      Note don’t download the resources within the app. Error will appear.
      RisTech has offered every downloadable resources here for download.

  34. The latest apk is 11.3.0 which is for march transfer update. But the obb file is for february transfer 11.2.1 only. Can you provide the obb file for 11.3.0 or the latest march transfer update apk?

    1. For real name’s you have to download a save data from this site or request for one from the admin.
      It’s only when you purchase the game from store that you can start new games on your own with real player name.

  35. Hi dude, I’ve downloaded the February update but now when using the save data the manager has no reputation (where on previous version was automatically the highest reputation). Is this right or have I done something wrong??
    Thanks & keep up the good work!

  36. @Ristechy
    Hello, I downloaded the game, obb, save data & face packs. Run it smoothly, but then when I try to play again later in the day my FMM 2020 keep freezing at the start screen saying “Please wait whilst we check your device and optimise the performance of Football Manager 2020 Mobile. This will only happen once on each device you use to play the game on”. Minutes later my smartphone notification says that the app is not responding and give me the choice to close the app or to wait, I choose to wait and nothing happened even after waiting for hours.

    Tried to uninstall & reinstall again with your methods just like before but the same problem occurs.
    Please help. I use Vivo V3 to play this game btw

  37. Downloaded the game followed all your steps and it seems to have extracted it but I’m not seeing anyway to start the game? It’s not in my app’s

  38. It worked ???? thank you Ristech, words can’t express how I feel right now! Great work, wish I could pay u but I have no money, but I’ll keep you in mind and recommend you to my highly placed tech friends. Great job

  39. I swear i followed every step you asked and still cant fixed the players name,What might be the problem.pliz reply
    Fyi:I have tried it for like 8 times

  40. If you start a new career on on the game it will always give you random names for every player.
    You can only fixed this by downloading a save data here, and extract it in the document/games folder.
    If you can edit games probably there’s a way to change manager first name to yours, and start the unemployed save data as employed to any club within the save or Any national team of your choice,

  41. good day bro…you are doing a nice work.i did everything you said but the save data would not load…how can i rectify this…tnks

  42. And pls the other time I install the game. It worked because there were 2 apk version there and I downloaded the both. One did work and the other did not

  43. Great work bro, everything ia so clear for me,your description ia very good, thank you very much

  44. Really nice work but when I downloaded the “Derby County ” save data and extracted it the documents and tried playing the team save data it responded saying ” Unable to load game”

  45. Hey lovely game but I have a question what does the unemployed save data do does it give all teams real name

  46. Everyone something crazy happened to me so I downloaded the game right and I did not create a new game I pressed load game instead and it started another game for me with the name Arsene Wenger I did not create it and all players are there complete all transfers are updated was I lucky or what am enjoying it????

  47. You are a magician. Ristechy…… You do wonders. I had always wanted to play this game. Now I can finally play it because of you.

  48. I donot have words to show my gratitude. All the files are working fine and good. You are the best ristechy. It is as if like I had bought the game!!!

  49. Ristechy, can you give us/me some national team saves as well?? Hope it will be positive, hence looking forward to it

  50. Boss, after downloading the FM 2020 the player’s name are fake and follow your procedure to change the player’s name to real name but yet nothing change at all. Help me out.

  51. Hey man, I have followed all the instructions perfectly.
    Everything works fine but I m unable to complete transfers.
    All the agreements and negotiations will be done but at the last it forces me to Reject the player.
    The message displayed is – “There is insufficient squad space presently”.
    Pls help me out.

    1. When I tried to start the game, then a window poping up and told that the game isn’t come from official source.. they said to redownload in play store, it means purchase version one.. any tip?

  52. If I try to create a club it doesn’t come with real players and also the players I added or created manually are not also showing in the team I created. How can I go about this two things. Every other things work perfect ?

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