Download PES 2020 Apk Obb 4.6.2 for Android with latest kits, full player transfers updates, new faces and more.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 for mobile device – eFootball is gradually rolling out for, with the latest patch for the new football seasons, we have seen current transfers going on in the real world, same thing is going to happen in the Pro Evolution Soccer simulation game.
To install this popular soccer simulation game PES 2020 Apk Obb is very easy, all you need to do is extract the obb Rar file into Android/obb folder, then install PES 20 apk and start playing.
PES 2020 Mobile Description
■ Experience the award winning gameplay and match excitement from console on mobile!
PES 2020’s latest console match engine has been ported seamlessly to mobile devices, meaning that the power of football is finally something you can hold in the palm of your hand.
From the 8,000+ player animations, to the team characteristic playstyles, and even the thrill of taking on your opponent–everything is the same!
■ Compete with friends and battle against the world with PES 2020!
Play against friends and users all over the world in a variety of ways with PES 2020 Android!
Battle it out face to face against a friend in “Local Match” mode for an intense 1v1 experience, or gather a group of friends to create your own tournament with “Local League” mode.
■ New League Licenses added
Official licenses of 12 new leagues from around the world have been implemented in-game.
From Europe, the Russian league makes its debut as a PES-exclusive, as well as leagues from Belgium, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, and Turkey. New South American leagues have also been implemented, with Argentinian and Chilean leagues added.
■ New Legend Players
Exclusive Legend players like Beckham, Zico, Romario, and world renowned legends like Cruyff, Nedved, Gullit, Maldini, and Kahn will continue to appear in PES 2020.
New Legends will also be added throughout the season, allowing you to play with the best players, past and present!
■ Limited-edition “Featured Players” coming to PES 2020
Players that performed well in the previous weekend’s matches will be available as “Featured Players”.
“Featured Players” will have boosted stats based on their match performance, with some even receiving new skills.
■ New Live Update Feature
PES 2020 will always be aligned with the real world thanks to the new Live Update feature. Info on the latest transfers and individual player performance from real-life matches will be reflected in-game on a weekly basis.
Download eFootball PES 2020 Apk Obb For Android Mobile
Below is the link that will take you to the download page to easily download PES 2020 Mobile Apk Obb.
Apk App
Obb File
Mode: Online
How To Install PES 2020 Apk Obb eFootball
Download and Use: Zarchiver Pro Apk to extract.
Steps to install eFootball PES 2020 Apk Obb are:
- Using Zarchiver app,
- Click on Obb eFootball PES 2020 Rar file.
- Click Extract in the option menu that pops up.
- Go to phone memory.
- Click Android folder.
- Now click Obb folder while.
- Click extract icon which looks like a arrow pointing downwards.
- Obb file will be completely extracted after reaching 100%.
- Finally install eFootball PES 2020 Apk you downloaded above and open.
Note That: This PES 2020 Mobile apk obb runs fully online, make sure you have enough space to extract the obb file by going to Android folder then click obb folder and extract.
Game Play Video
is it online !?
Did you update to new version?
I can play this game offline??
Only works offline..
Plz ristechy sir can I get the Fifa 19 apk version 1 on my Gmail account
Please sir cos the new season of the game isn’t compatible with my phone ram
Not possible please.
need update please
kindly download the 2021 edition by searching this website using the searchg button above.
Please if u can play it offline then I need your help
Pls when ‘re u gonna post the new version of PES Mobile 2020 that is coming up on Thursday 30th July, 2020
Already uploaded.
Does it have commentary my last download didn’t
It has this is the official version of the game.
On pc?
it asking me to download the resources after downloading it on your website and paste the file in the normal place
How to install?
Can this pes 2020 be played off. I mean if it’s offline.
The game is online.
Hmm hw will extract it
View the file using Zarchiver and locate jp.konami.pesam folder hold on it and copy to Android/obb folder.
Is that all please
bro need a confirm
can i play offline?
No.. works online.
And how to install this game
Extract obb into Android/obb folder and install apk
Send screenshots on my Facebook page.
You don’t need to extract move it to Android/obb folder, that’s all.. it has been extracted already.
I move it but still showing file not found (resources)
Pls Ristechy send me the full details on how to install the pes 2020
Send screenshots on my Facebook page
Pourquoi il faut être en ligne pour jouer ? Vous devriez créer un autre format qui devrait se jouer sans.
C’est comme ça que ça marche.
Why is the graphics so poor like this
Very different from the video I watched here
Does your device support graphics Available in the game, graphics display varies from device to device.. some colors display differently for every device..
Network problem how do l fix it
Restart your phone and start the game again.
Should I move it to phone or SD card folder?
Hey if I have an SD card an I use it as my main do I extract it also in internal
Yes you can try it.
Would it help with my players looking like sticks and their heads popping out?
I can’t play,I’ve downloaded PES 2020 ISO data saver and its telling me to decompress the rar file
My problem is you guys don’t like to follow instructions, is not about downloading the file alone.
Updated, check out for the password above
Updated, check out for the password above
Updated, check out for the password above
I install the apk and legend patch but is demanding me to download additional files what should I do
Is it offline,how to install?
Ris Techy is this game played both offline and online??? or only online?????
Ristechy what’s the password
Check it up there
can i play it in android 5.1
Ristechy, please you can play online and offline
Online only.
Online online only.
If a new update come we will do what
You download the files again.
Good game
I can’t play because it says *I don’t purchase this game* how can I do ?
You didn’t extract the obb file completely. Extract the obb file into Android/Obb folder inside internal memory of your device.
What’s the solution to mark the computer players, the game is difficult in in campaign level 2. I’ve tried press key and the running key but it’s same thing
Is there any way to play the game offline
Only works online.
Apakah bisa menggunakan file obb ini untuk aplikasi efootball pes 2020 milik saya
Ristechy i heard that the full game mode is coming october, please how true is that.
I have done mine, but when opening it keeps saying it has stopped
File not completely extracted or support issues, reinstall the game again.
Can you please make a game of FIFA 20 with the real celebrations of players and real life faces please
There’s FIFA 2020 offline Mod available on this website which you can download.
There’s only FIFA 20 mod fifa14
So you mean it can be played when you turn on the mobile data
Online only
Hope is PS4 camera?
Can it work on 5.0 and 1gb ram
Hello can’t I get FTS 20
Search the website it is available.. games section
Hey I tried Installing it on my sd card right away
It worked but when I start it if requires an update and says not enough storage even tho I have 10gb left on sd card
You can only install on phone memory.
where is the Data file? There is nothing data file inside your rar file
Is obb file.. view the file.. you will see jp.konami… folder.
Im from indonesia. Can i play this game from my server?
Hi RisTechy can I play in version 7.0 and it will be high Quality or not plz tell me.
Yes, it will work, high quality.
is this the same as in the play store ?
Yes.. 4.0.1
Do these game need extraction if so how do i do it please help me
Send message on my Facebook page..
I extract it on obb folder but I cannot find the apk file to install it?
Download it above, try and read the download section carefully.
When is the offline mode coming out? FIFA 20 is killing it in that department, pes should do theirs.
Please the offline of this game
Not available
What nonsence when I tried to download it it reached 89% and stopped
Your network provider should be the one handling that, others have download the files without mentioning what nonsense, when downloading heavy files use opera mini browser without data saver.
It’s asking me to download resource again after installing it and extracting the obb to it android obb folder….
Likely obb support issues.. just download within the app, sorry about that.
How can i play offline
Best of all Ristechy your site is one of the best sites. But can this game be hacked?
Can not be hacked.
But can you mod it and get unlimited coins and gp, cause if I check out on YouTube people have modded the game
I downloaded and extracted the obb file to Android/obb but when i click the game icon to play it say The action could not be completed due to an error. Please try again.
CODE: C_ETRH_0012_QYNZ-0000
Try again.. switch on your internet data before loading or restart your phone.
Total waste of data.. still not working, not happy at all bro.
is this moded?
Not modded.
Hello Ristechy. I use an Android 4.4.4. KitKat. I’ve downloaded the OBB data file and extracted everything. But when I try installing the APK, it doesn’t install. Please can you help me work around that?? And if it can’t be installed on my Android 4.4.4, which version of PES 2020 will I be able to install on my Android??
Android 6.0 above supported..
Can i use a gamepad to play?
Ristechy can u update the PES 2020 please. I wanna have a real animation of the stadium, Update some faces, kits and some stadium. Please
I guess that’s ppsspp..
I downloaded the file and extracted it in the specified folder but when I open the game they say the ressources could not be found.
Stop at obb folder and extract, make sure obb fipe was successfully decompressed.
there are two files in the OBB folder , extract them both ??
Just move the folder they are in, into Android Obb folder.
J’ai téléchargé le jeu mais on me dit que mon pays où ma contré,n’est pas habilité à jouer le jeu,alors pour le faire je suis obligée d’activer mon VPN,que doije faire pour avoir accès sans utiliser mon vpn,je suis en Côte d’ivoire,merci et bonne soirée
Je n’ai pas encore d’étapes à contourner, mais j’espère l’ajouter bientôt.
Merci Ris tu est le meilleur
it same like normal version on Google play
Does it work in Android 9
Bonjour Ristechy, j’ai téléchargé le dossier mais l’application ne marche pas. J’insiste pour installer mais ça écrit “application non installée”
vous n’avez pas assez d’espace c’est pourquoi.
why I can’t download the game
Please bro. I will be very happy if you can help me out here. The game matches was so sluggish, very slow and it cracking like if you are watch CD player on your DVD set. I so much love everything about this game its just the problem of hooking and slowing. Please bro. Any solutions to it. Thanks
I don’t know if your network is fast enough to enhance the game play.
The game can’t play I don’t know why please help me I did all that was to
be done
What’s the error please.
when extracting a corrupted archive how about this please help me ?!
The error is when ever I go to the game there is a circle like o I click on it then the game can not start I don’t know why I am talking about pes2020 which u have to extract the obb in to the Android obb
Likely it is a device support issues.
Like how please help me I really want to play the game
Your browser corrupted the file during download, you need opera Mini browser to download the file easily.
Now I click the circle then some thing came there and this is what that was there if this app is visible to you on the Google means your country or region has been designated and access is officially allowed .Then I press OK another one came there , please note access from other region or countrys is prohibited .I press OK again then these two messages keep on coming I and I keep on press OK why is the problem
Can this game play in my country Liberia
Bonjour Ristechy, j’ai installé le jeux, mais au moment de l’ouvrir je suis buté à un petit soucis: “FINALISATION DE L’ACTION IMPOSSIBLE À CAUSE D’UNE ERREUR. VEUILLER REESSAYER. CODE : C_ETRH_0012 …” C’est la même réponse à chaque fois.
S’il vous plait aidez moi à résoudre ce problème
Switch on internet data and load the game.
New versión 9 january 2020 ??
Yes updated, Thanks for the comments.
Bonjour Ristechy, j’ai une question, est-il possible de choisir une équipe réelle et affronter une autre équipe réelle dans fifa mobile 2020? C’est à dire une interface classique avec des ligue réelles, des compétitions telles que champions league, europa league,etc?
Parce que jusque-là je ne vois que division Rivals, world tour,… et c’est un peu décevant
I don’t think it is possible.
Is it the new updated version January 9 2020?
hello i extracted the game to obb but when i enter the app pes2020 it keep on telling me this language (download failed because the resources could not be found) please what could be the problem
You didn’t extract the obb file correctly.
I’m also encountering similar issue, but for your own, you have to on your data to download the resources
You didn’t extract the obb file correctly.
please help me with the steps to extract it correct
After I extracted it and installed the APK , anytime I try to open, a menu will appear saying ‘ downloading extra source failed because you do not purchase the app ‘ please what should I do
maaf passwordnya apa ga ngerti bahasa inggris?
No password is needed.
Password obb nya apa ?
I want to ask something, is there Social Media?
My website social media?
Pls i have downloaded and extracted it as you instruct but when i open it, it start downloading obb data, starting from 24% 380 out of 1584, why
That’s how it is sometimes..
Please tell me the correct answer . E-football Pes 2020 is it offline
It is online as written above.
Does it have unlimited coins as it is patched already
it doesn’t have.
Please reply me
Thank you so much RisTechy , Best games website ever i have seen ♥️♥️?
Keep it up,,
My pes 2020 4.4.1 apk says an error occurred while parsing the package before I can install it, how can i solve it
Your device is likely not supported or download the apk with operamini
when pes 2020 v4.2.0 coming
Already uploaded.
Is ther any chance of having real logos for some clubs in pes 2020… since I am a fan of man city but the logo is of old one…any suggestion from u bro…
Except i will get the patch file that have the real logo.
this it updated
ok thanks
Sir I’m here because I love the way you hack game…
Have downloaded diz game but all my players were no strong enough.
Sir I want you to hack the game for more coins so that I can play online game comfortablely…
Not possible..
pls i cant locate the password
File doesn’t have password please.
is it updated
sir I have been playing the game now it has just showed me the maintenance thing what should I do
Open the game after sometime, konami is doing server maintenance.
When u upload v4.3.0
uploaded. thanks for reporting.
V4.3.1 is coming
Ready to update.
When will you upload v4.3.1
updated, thanks.
Hello there.. please I want to know if the update file downloads the whole file size all the time or just a small portion to be added to the already editing file on my phone?? Thanks
Just a portion. While in some device you don’t need to.
It is not a comment but i like to give you a good comment i like your website i get fifa 20 dls 20 and now i wull download pes20
Hi ristechy i could install whole game perfectly and followed all the instructions but it doesn’t enter the game and just hangs on the main menu page and when i click on the page it shows a message that the game isn’t in your Google play and another message appears saying your region is restricted what can i do
It’s not available for your region.
I have region problem if I chose another region can be solved
Try it.
pes 2020 pc download available in your website
Hey your website has been good to me. So first thank you. My question is about updates. It is the second time needed to update. Last time I lost my progress in the game. How do I update probably with starting all the steps over? Thank you again
Just delete obb and install apk.
Hey ristechy my obb isnt decompressing and am using zrarchiver
Ristechy, I have extracted the obb file and copied it to android obb but when I open the application it says “download failed because you may not have purchased this app”
You didn’t extract it well, extract into phone memory by looking for obb folder.
When u upload v4.4.0
Ristechy…the thing is I downloaded both obb and data files and they are not zipped…and I have installed the app already…I want to move the files to the android folders but I can’t locate the game files in the android folder…I want to create folders that will help locate the files…please help me on naming the folder for obb and data
go to Android folder click obb folder and extract all this can be found in phone memory.
Best site ever. I downloaded it and it worked. Thanks bro
It’s not extracting well. It’s saying file extracted with errors.
I have tried it a couple times but the same
You don’t have enough space that’s why?
Can you teach me more on how to install this app, I have tried my best, or is it because I downloaded it from your site
What’s the error please.
Ristechy please say sometin what am going to do
If you don’t have enough space app won’t install.
Dude, is there is any other download link? When I started from the google drive you provided is downloading well but when I stopped tried to restart it’s going fail. What should ido
Files where not hosted on Google drive please. Use opera mini browser to download.
Hope it doesn’t exhausts lots of data
This z de new version right?
My apk wont install why
if you dont have enough space it wont install
Do I need to upgrade this game in Google play store
if you wish to.
Please sir,the last pes I collect ask me to upgrade after playin it for 3 weeks.pls is this one different.can I play it without updating it even if it goes out of date
When u upload v4.5.0?
coming shortly.
This z de new version right?
Can I play the PES20 apk obb (efootball)offline
Please,I collect pes 2month ago but after playing it for 3 weeks it tells me I should upgrade.please is this one different.can I play it without upgrading it in playstore even if it goes out of date
Can I still play this game even if it goes out of date or a new version is out
Must i upgrade to new version
Pls sir ristechy answer me
Please I downloaded pes2021 PPSSPP PS4 and is showing me that is compressed and I should decompressed it how do I do that
You scrolled down to comment, but you can’t gradually scroll down and read how to install. Please always read how to install in the page you downloaded from or visit my YouTube channel for installation video
Hi, please i installed this severally both from playstore and outside playstore sources but when i install and turn on the game, it shows konami, the language page and locks my phone. Please help
Your device is having issues..
Does is work for android 4.2
is this mod?